The Boring Company Vegas Loop updates target capacity to 90k passengers per hour

Published in The Boring Company
May 23, 2023
1 min read
The Boring Company Vegas Loop updates target capacity to 90k passengers per hour

So, I stumbled upon this article about The Boring Company’s latest project and it caught my eye! According to the news, the company’s new underground transportation system, called the Vegas Loop, is set to carry up to 90,000 passengers per hour in Las Vegas. That’s some serious capacity, right?

From what I gathered, The Boring Company plans to build an extensive network of tunnels under the city and shuttle passengers between different destinations using electric vehicles called “Teslas.” Apparently, the system will be incredibly fast, like something out of a sci-fi movie, and cost-effective, which could be a game-changer for crowded cities struggling with traffic.

Personally, I’m excited about this new development. As someone who has lived in big urban areas, I know how frustrating it can be to get stuck in traffic for hours. It’s a time and energy suck, not to mention the toll it takes on the environment. So, any innovation that can make transportation more efficient and sustainable is a win in my book.

In conclusion, it’s clear that The Boring Company’s Vegas Loop project is a big step forward in the world of transportation. The sheer scale of its target capacity is impressive, and it will be interesting to see how this technology evolves and gets adopted in other cities. Who knows, maybe I’ll be riding in one of those Teslas sooner rather than later!