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Tesla CEO Elon Musk thought that OpenAI would fail, claims Sam Altman

By Sophia Fong
Published in OpenAI
March 25, 2024
1 min read
Tesla CEO Elon Musk thought that OpenAI would fail, claims Sam Altman

So I was reading this article about how Elon Musk apparently thought that OpenAI was going to fail, according to Sam Altman. It was pretty surprising to hear, considering Musk co-founded the company, but I guess even he has his doubts sometimes.

Altman claimed that Musk had low expectations for OpenAI back in 2015 when he was first getting involved with the project. Musk thought that the team didn’t have the necessary skill set to make it successful. However, despite his initial reservations, OpenAI has actually made some significant advancements in artificial intelligence research and development since then.

It’s interesting to see how even someone as visionary as Musk can have doubts about the success of a project. It goes to show that even the most successful individuals have moments of uncertainty and may not always see eye to eye on a particular venture.

In the end, it just goes to show that no matter how successful you are, it’s important to challenge your own assumptions and keep an open mind. Who knows, maybe what you initially thought would fail could end up being a huge success.

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Sophia Fong

Sophia Fong

Cybersecurity Analyst

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