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NYC Investment Chief Urges Tesla to Sanction Musk Unless He Apologizes

By Ava Ramirez
Published in Tesla
November 22, 2023
1 min read
NYC Investment Chief Urges Tesla to Sanction Musk Unless He Apologizes

So I just read this article about the NYC Investment Chief calling out Tesla and its CEO, Elon Musk. Basically, this investment bigwig wants Tesla to impose some kind of punishment on Musk, unless he apologizes. Woah, drama!

According to the article, the NYC Investment Chief, Scott Stringer, is not too happy with Musk’s behavior. He’s claiming that Musk’s tweets about taking Tesla private were misleading and potentially harmful to investors. And you know what? I kinda get where he’s coming from.

Stringer believes that Musk should apologize for his actions and for causing trouble for Tesla shareholders. He’s even suggested that the company should consider some kind of disciplinary action against Musk. Talk about serious business!

Now, this is where things get interesting. Stringer is no small fish in the pond. He’s overseeing billions of dollars in pension funds for the city. So when he speaks up, people tend to listen.

But here’s the thing, my friend. This isn’t the first time Musk’s tweets have caused a stir. He has a bit of a history, you could say, of going on Twitter rants and making controversial statements. It’s like he just can’t resist the urge to stir the pot.

Now, I’m not saying I have anything against Musk or Tesla. In fact, I think they’re doing some amazing things in the world of electric cars. But sometimes, the guy just needs to think twice before hitting that tweet button, you know?

Anyway, the key point here is that Stringer wants Musk to take responsibility for his actions and apologize. It’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out. Will Tesla heed the Investment Chief’s advice, or will they brush it off? Only time will tell.

So, my friend, the takeaway from all of this is simple. Even big-shot CEOs like Musk need to watch their words, especially when it comes to making claims that could affect their company and investors. And, hey, let’s all remember to think twice before hitting that tweet button ourselves. You never know who might be watching!

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Ava Ramirez

Ava Ramirez

Science Writer

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