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Nikola Tesla Thought He'd Picked Up A Signal From Intelligent Aliens

By Liam Hoffmann
Published in Tesla
March 13, 2024
1 min read
Nikola Tesla Thought He'd Picked Up A Signal From Intelligent Aliens

So, I came across this wild article about Nikola Tesla, the OG mad scientist, who claimed he once received a signal from aliens. Basically, back in 1899, Tesla was doing some radio experiments when he detected a repeating signal that he believed was coming from intelligent beings on another planet. He even thought he was communicating with Martians or Venusians, which is pretty out there, even for him!

But get this, Tesla was never able to fully prove or replicate the signal, and it kinda got lost in the shuffle of his other groundbreaking inventions. Still, his idea of picking up alien transmissions way back when is pretty mind-blowing. I mean, imagine if he had actually made contact with extraterrestrial life over a century ago!

I’ve always been fascinated by Tesla’s work and his visionary ideas, so hearing about this supposed alien signal just adds a whole new layer to his legend. It’s crazy to think about the possibilities of life beyond Earth and how even someone like Tesla was pondering that way back when.

Overall, this article sheds light on a lesser-known aspect of Tesla’s legacy and sparks some intriguing questions about the existence of intelligent life in the universe. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll finally crack the code and make contact with our cosmic neighbors. But until then, we can always look back on Tesla’s brush with aliens as a reminder of just how vast and mysterious the universe truly is.

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Liam Hoffmann

Liam Hoffmann

Writer & Tech Enthusiast

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